Egale Canada
To evolve Egale Canada’s master brand by developing a creative platform that will reflect the organizations thirty year growth and elevate its current trajectory.
Brand & Creative Platform
A simple, yet bold, wordmark was created for Egale Canada. It integrated the equals sign to reinforce Egale’s strong equal rights advocacy. Paired with a bright colour palette and impactful pattern for its visual language, captivates audiences to ensure it remains approachable to the community.
Egale Canada is the leading voice for LGBTQI2S people on the legal stage; however the organization recognized that inclusion was more than just legislation. Because of this, the landscape of their work has grown over the years and their impacts have been greater. The brand not only revitalizes the organization's identity but also capture its approachable and inclusive attributes.

We created a BRAND that was so much more than a LOGO.

The tagline emphasizes and prioritizes equality and equity while rejecting the concept of otherness, reflecting the organizations commitment to the LGBTQI2S community. Used with the logo, it adds context by encapsulating the organization’s vision in as few words as possible.

Until the day there is true equality and inclusion, Egale Canada will continue to exist. Therefore consistent use of the brand and visual language will create consistency and strengthen belief in the the organization.