Paradise Banquet Halls


Paradise Banquet Halls


To create a brand platform for Paradise Banquet Hall that will create consistency across all collateral from print and digital collateral.


Brand Update, Creative Platform and Website


Inspired by the palatial interiors and ornate chandeliers, we created a visual system that would evoke the same glamorous feeling. Paradise Banquet Hall had already been operating for the last 40 years so needed to infuse the brand with a touch of modernity using clean, editorial designs and simple iconography. This culminated in a classic design that allows the iridescent wedding photography often captured at Paradise to shine.

A look and feel shot of champagne glasses from above with stark light and shadows for the Paradise Banquet Halls branding case study.
A booklet for Paradise Banquet Halls opened to the interior pages showing photography on the left and a menu on the right with a Hors D'oeuvres heading and menu items listed below to order for a wedding, event or anything in between.
A kit folder made for Paradise Banquet Halls showing the cover on the left and the opened folder on the right showcasing the unique angles resembling the gemstone motif shared throughout their branding.
A lifestyle shot showing a couple in white enjoying their special day at Paradise Banquet Halls.
A set of six enamel pins showcasing the gemstone cuts used throughout Paradise Banquet Halls branding and collateral.